Just Ask Julia

Hi, I’m Julia!  I wanted to start an advice column, so here we are!  You can ask me anything.  Honestly, anything.  And I will give my advice to you; honestly, brutally, directly, no holds bared, I will tell it like I would do.  I will allow others to comment, possibly, but if they are being jerks, I’ll block them.

I’ve read too many Ask Amy, or Dear Erma, and frankly, they are all too polite.  I’m not polite.  I’m a bitch.  So, I’ll give it to you straight, even if you don’t like it.  That’s the way it is.  If your a pansy, I’ll call you on it.  Oh, and by the way, I voted for President Trump, so if you start blasting your politics on here, I’ll block you.

I have 5 kids, been married for 30 years, seen a lot of shit.  Yes, I cuss.  Don’t like it?  Don’t come here then.  I’m going to run my blog MY way.  I am Agnostic.  I don’t believe in any higher being, power, god, nothing.  I don’t have a problem with anyone else being religious as long as you don’t start spouting your religious stuff to me.  If you want to believe, fine.  I don’t have a problem with the word ‘god’ in any song, on money, or talked about.  I say the Pledge of Allegiance as written, I sing the National Anthem as written, I just don’t believe.  I do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do, not because some magical being might be up somewhere watching me.

I believe that our Government and 99.9%  of politicians and judges are corrupt.  We the People are their slaves.  We work with the thought that we are working to have a nice life.  The Government looks at us as their piggy banks.  Do you honestly think that any one of those politicians would work FOR FREE?  President Trump is rich, and at first said that he would only accept $1 for his pay as President, but now he’s going to donate it.  Guess why?  HE GETS TO WRITE IT OFF AS A DONATION ON HIS TAXES!!  He’s not a rich business man by being dumb!  He’s not so honest either, by any standard, but he’s certainly better than that skanky, fugly, old rich bitch Hitlary.  There was no way in hell I was giving that liar my vote.  Anyway, back to what I was saying about our Government.

We work for our politicians.  They don’t work for us, make no mistake about that.  Our taxes pay their paychecks, retirement, healthcare, life styles, houses, parties, protection, THEIR LIVELIHOOD.  They only care about keeping that money coming in from us.  They DO NOT CARE ABOUT US.  Do not ever believe a word out of their mouths.  Yes, I voted in Trump for a big change.  I want the Wall, I want every single CRIMINAL (every illegal that is here without permission is a CRIMINAL just by BEING HERE WITHOUT PERMISSION!) AND THEIR ANCHORS to be rounded up and deported.  That’s what I want.  I know, it’s not going to happen, but that’s what I want.  I also want Government OUT OF OUR HEALTHCARE!!!  Nothing that the Government gets into stays good.  Social Security has been raided by our Government.  That’s OUR MONEY!  Anytime Government gets something going with our money, it’s misused and mismanaged.  NO ONE TELLS ME WHAT TO DO WITH MY MONEY!  You all should be just as mad!  EVERY PERSON should be working for their own things.  NO ONE should be getting a handout!  EBT welfare is a fucking JOKE.  When a criminal can sneak into the US and drop an anchor and get free stuff just for dropping that anchor that should NOT be considered a citizen, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG!

My thoughts are that if these criminals are allowed to be here and get away with breaking the laws, I’m going to break laws too.  Whatever laws I can break and get away with.  If I find something, a wallet, a phone, anything like that, and I find out it belongs to a Mexican, they don’t get it back.  Doesn’t matter to me if they COULD be here legally or not, I’m going to make sure they don’t get it back.  Yes, if you think that I’m racist, you are probably right.  I don’t care what you think.  I hate Mexicans that are in my country without permission, in fact, I hate ANYONE here without permission.  I hate ALL MUSLIMES.  Yes, I know how I spelled that.  I hate them ALL.  You have to believe in the Quoran to be a muzzy, and have you read it?  I have!  They are supposed to kill all of us!  You want to know why I read it, don’t you?  You have to know your enemy, so you need to educate yourself in their evil ways.  READ IT!  I buy one every year at the used book store and lace it with bacon and burn it on September 11th for all of the American’s that died on that day.  FUCK THE MUZZIES!!!

There is trash in every race and skin color.  I hate the trash in every race and skin color.  I have friends in every race and skin color.  Because those are people who are willing to work hard and educate themselves and not go around thinking that everything is owed to them.  I hate the takers and love the workers.  The takers are trash and the workers are wonderful.  What are YOU?

I hate the brainwashed idiots who keep making the rich even richer.  Who the fuck needs a $1100 PHONE?????  Who the fuck needs a $3000 PURSE?  Why do these idiots think that people will look at them with envy if they have the latest and the greatest?  Holy SHIT!  Quit giving these rich assholes more money!  You do NOT need that crap!  You can NOT EVER BE LIKE THEM!  QUIT FEEDING THE BEAST!  Shop smart, by used if you can, save money.  SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!  Starbucks is sucking your money!  I haven’t bought Starbucks in 7 years!  I spent $75 on a good coffee machine and I stock up on a years supply of coffee when it goes on sale at Costco.  QUIT MAKING THE RICH RICHER!!!!  Greed is killing you!  It’s sucking you dry!  Who cares who has what?  DON’T COMPETE, BE CONTENT.

Remember how everyone was buying houses in 2006-2007 and getting those funky loans, and buying ‘up’ and using their houses as ATM’S?  And remember how many of those selfish, greedy, idiots lost BIG TIME?  EVERYTHING!  Yeah, we didn’t do that.  We have 1200 sq feet with 7 of us living in it.  It’s tiny, it’s cramped, but we paid $90,000 for it in 1995 and now it’s worth $450,000.  At the peak of the market before it crashed, we could have sold it for $800,000!  But, we knew that we would end up paying too much for another house, so we stayed put.  While our friends and family did stupid things.  We knew better.  So, now that our house is almost paid off, friends and family are now renting, because their credit is shot.  When you get greedy, bad things will happen.  Yes, sometimes it will work out, but most times, you get the shaft.  Don’t be greedy stupid.

When I buy a product new, I expect it to perform and to KEEP performing for a good amount of time.  If a product fails me and the manufacture won’t stand behind it’s product, I’ll buy another of the same product, change it out, and take it back to the store and get my money back.  Think that’s dishonest of me?  I think it’s SMART of me!  I take VERY good care of the things that I buy.  They always look like brand new.  I had a Hamilton Beach crockpot that I was given for my birthday and 6 months later, it completely died.  I called the company, they said that it was out of warranty, and that I would have to pay to ship it to them and pay for them to fix it.  So, I went to Walmart, bought the same one, took it home, took the old one that died, packed it back up in the box, and took it back saying it didn’t work and got a refund.  Now, the store sends it back to the manufacturer and the store is NOT out any money.  The manufacturer is the one who gets the shaft.  As it should be.  Make inferior products, and I’ll make sure that you get it right back, one way or another.  I work hard for my money and I’m not going to let the rich companies fuck me over with their shitty products and no service.  You should do the same thing too.  No one screws me over and gets away with it.

So, bring on the questions.  Ask me anything.  If I like it, I’ll post it on here and give you my thoughts on what I would do.  You can email me your questions at: bkawilkerson@att.net